Privacy Policy

At Printprovider we are committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data that we process. When you use Printprovider you trust us with your information and we are committed to preserving that trust and providing a safe and secure user experience. We will ensure that the information you submit to us is only used for the purposes set out in this Data Privacy Notice.

Who are we and What do we do?​

Printprovider are independent print services experts that lead with a collaborative, consultative approach to delivering the best solutions in print. Flexible solutions that leverage creativity, data and technology to deliver a better return on marketing investment.

What is personal data?​

Personal data is data that can identify you as a living individual.  There is general personal data such as name, address, phone numbers, as well as online identifiers/location data. There is also sensitive personal data which includes information on physical and mental health, sexual orientation, race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, trade union membership and criminal records. Sensitive personal data must be protected to a higher level.

What information do we collect?​

Content and information submitted by our customers is referred to in this section as “Customer Data.” As further explained below, “Customer Data” is controlled by the organisation or other third parties that maintains responsibility for its ownership and control. That organisation determines its own policies regarding storage, access, modification, deletion, sharing, and retention of Customer Data which may apply to Printprovider.

Who controls your personal data?​

The Data Controller is Kirsteen Rogers 3 Sallow Close,Bicester,OXON,OX26 3YP

You can call us on 01869 360506  

How do we use the information?​

Printprovider may access and use Customer Data as reasonably necessary and in accordance with the “Customer’s” instructions to

(a) provide, a service contracted with the “Customer”;

(b) to prevent or address service, security, technical issues or at a Customer’s request in connection with customer support matters;

(c) as required by law or as permitted by our Data Protection Policy and

(d) as set forth in our agreement with the Customer or as expressly permitted in writing by the “Customer”.

Additional information about Printprovider confidentiality and security practices with respect to Customer Data is available upon request.

Customer Data

Printprovider may access and use Customer Data as reasonably necessary and in accordance with the “Customer’s” instructions.

Data files supplied by the “Customer” for direct mailing campaigns will be stored and backed up for a period of one month and then deleted from all systems subject to contrary instructions from the “Customer”.

Financial Data

Personal data containing financial information such as payroll, tax records, payment histories etc will be retained as per statutory requirement of 6 years.

​Industry contacts database

The industry contacts database will be retained for as long as is necessary whilst the contact is still active in the marketplace.


Data containing personnel information such employment details, appraisals, attendance, etc, etc, will be retained as per statutory requirement of 5 years. Where medical records are held they must be retained for 40 years.

What is our legal basis for processing your data?

Printprovider will establish a lawful basis for processing all data. Printprovider will therefore establish that any data it is responsible for managing has a written lawful basis approved by the DPO.​

Industry contacts – These are processed under the legal basis of ‘Legitimate interest’​

Customer data – These are processed under the legal basis of ‘performance of a contract’​

Personnel files – These are processed under the legal basis of ‘legal requirement’​

Customer data – These are processed under the legal basis of ‘legal requirement’  

Your Rights

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and it is important that you know your rights within that context, which include rights to:​

Request a copy of the personal data that we hold about you.  If you would like to make a request for information, please contact

Object to our processing of your data where that processing is based upon legitimate interest and there are no compelling grounds for the continued processing of that data

Request that we restrict processing of your data in certain circumstances

Request that data is erased where the continued use of that data cannot be justified. Agencies are required to keep certain records such as ID or right to work checks and payroll records for certain periods of time. These obligations will override any request to erase data or any objection to processing for so long as they must keep the data.

Object to any decision, which significantly affects you, being taken solely by a computer or via another automated process

Withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data for a particular purpose at any stage. However, please note that we may continue to retain, or otherwise use your personal information thereafter where we have a legitimate interest or a legal or contractual obligation to do so. Our processing in that respect will be limited to what is necessary in furtherance of those interests or obligations

Request inaccurate or incomplete data is rectified.  We will respond to such a request within 1 month

Request that data provided directly by you and processed by automated means is transferred to you or another controller; this right only being applicable where our processing of your data is based either on your consent or in performance of a contract

Make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office

Request that direct marketing by us to you is stopped:

Please note that should you exercise your right to request that we erase data or cease any processing activity, we may retain a record of this request and the action taken to both evidence our compliance, and to take steps to minimise the prospect of any data being processed in the future should it be received again from a third-party source.

If you have any questions concerning your rights or should you wish to exercise any of these rights please contact: